This website has been around for approx fifteen years now, the design is straightforward without unnecessary frills, popups and annoying advertisements or other useless distractions, it is a free non profit platform where everyone is welcome without having to register first or meet all kinds of other requirements. The purpose of this site is to concentrate in one place as much interesting information as possible in the field of weather, earth sciences and other information make directly accessible to everyone. The site is still under construction, over time more pages with interesting themes and useful links will be added

Many visitors have already seen that there are empty spots on various pages, this has to do with updating/modernizing various sites that also offer free widgets for websites. Over time, when these sites are up to date again, I will update the pages with now adjust missing widgets.

My former homestead Oosterhoutsedijk 88 Nijmegen-Lent The Netherlands, The 18.000 M2 farm gardens, frog and salamander pond, orchard and other trees have been destroyed and leveled to the ground  by the local government to make place for a depressing characterless thirteen in a dozen densely packed vinex district.

De automatische tekstfeed van het actuele weerbericht van het KNMI via ligt er al een paar dagen uit,

hieronder een direct link naar het actuele weerbericht van het KNMI.


 weer kaart : Temperatuur Waarneming

 weer kaart : Onweer weerslag
 weer kaart : Weer alarm vandaag


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